Thursday, December 19, 2013

Blog 9- NSA

Blog 9- NSA 

Yesterday, a letter signed by 54 civil liberties and public interest organizations was sent to congress. it was opposing S. 1631 the FISA Improvements act. It is a bill, that if passed, would extend the power of the NSA and allow them to being data and communications monitoring a gain. These groups state that this act gives the NSA power that tramples over the rights of Americans.

I completely agree with these organizations. The NSA has already been caught multiple times for violating peoples civil rights and they should not have more power. Why do more people not know about this? Everyone's privacy is at stake however this is not to be found on the front page of most news sources.


  1. I agree. The role of the government is growing with each new bill passed. This is a good bill that limits the governments ability to invade our privacy.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I agree the government as it is already has to much power and with this bill it would have gave them more. Any bills that are threatening or violating out rights should not be passed.
