Thursday, December 19, 2013

Blog 9- NSA

Blog 9- NSA 

Yesterday, a letter signed by 54 civil liberties and public interest organizations was sent to congress. it was opposing S. 1631 the FISA Improvements act. It is a bill, that if passed, would extend the power of the NSA and allow them to being data and communications monitoring a gain. These groups state that this act gives the NSA power that tramples over the rights of Americans.

I completely agree with these organizations. The NSA has already been caught multiple times for violating peoples civil rights and they should not have more power. Why do more people not know about this? Everyone's privacy is at stake however this is not to be found on the front page of most news sources.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Blog #8

Blog #8- Obama won't use IPhone

President Obama says that he cannot use a IPhone cell phone for different "security reasons". He currently uses the cell phone brand he had when he entered office- Blackberry. The company has recently lost a lot of its business to Apple and Android, but is now attempting to direct products towards large corporations and governmental officials.

This article might not seem very important, but it raises a lot of questions. If the president cannot safely use a IPhone then why do many Americans? According to Edward Snowden, the NSA has had access to records kept by communication giants like Google and Apple. More and more calls are being monitored since the passing of the Patriot Act in 2001. Is the National Government infringing on our civil liberties too much?

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Blog 7- BitCoins

Blog #7

Bitcoins are a virtual currency. It is a revolutionary new concept that has emerged in the past 5 years. Bitcoins are not backed by any central bank or government and allow for more financial anonymity. They are created by "miners" who run algorithms on high end computer hardware in order to "discover" Bitcoins. It gets harder and harder to "mine" them over time. Since their introduction a few years ago, the value of the currency has skyrocketed. Prices reaced record highs on Monday at $800 per Bitcoin and %100 increase in 5 days. However this currency has a dark side. it has been used in the past to conduct illegal transaction due to its untraceable properties. US Congress is meeting this week to discuss Bitcoins validity and place in US Finances.
I believe that Bitcoins are a very interesting concept and that Congress should sanction them. They have become a sort of investment and many people are buying into the concept. It will be interesting to see what an unbacked currency will do.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Blog #6

This news article is about the worlds most powerful recored typhoon to hit landfall, typhoon Haiyan. This torm has wreaked havok on the Phillipine Islands and The Us is responding with massive amounts of aid. It is believed that alomost two thousand are dead, and three thousand injured. It is estimated that over six hundred thousand people have been displaced, according to the UN. Tsunami force waves bashed the shore while winds over 200 mph blew amost every coastal building over.
The US as well as other nations are sending aid to this devistanded country. 5000 navy sailors are on the way as well as 3 ships and millions of dollars in food and medical supplies. THis shows how the worlds superpower, the US, is willing to

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Blog 5- Stop Watching Us

Blog 5- Stop Watching Us

This news video expresses the concerns that many different Americans have in regards to their privacy. Congressmen, businessmen, and average Joes speak out against the US Governments NSA, which has recently been under heavy media scrutiny. This video is a protest and is asking the US government to stop it "unlawful" spying on innocent civilians. Spokespeople claim that everyday thousands of gigabytes of data are monitored, sorted and watched. Things such as emails, personal messages, website visits. All monitored by the NSA. This group is asking for this type of activity to stop, so that Americans can regain their privacy.

This news video deals with the role of government and freedom. Are Americans willing to give up freedoms in order to be better protected? I think that the whole NSA scandal is outrageous. The department seems as like it has lost is focus and is spying on Americans, not threats. I agree with the video creators. Americans deserve privacy and the NSA is not respecting this constitutional right. This video is an example of media spreading a sole idea.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Blog 4- Government Shutdown

After Obama-care was passed, the GOP has tried everything in their power to get it to fail, We are now a couple of weeks into the government shutdown and tensions are starting to rise. Today Republican leaders and President Obama meet to discuss the shutdown. The president didn't allow "terms and conditions" to be set on the debt ceiling and the republicans are willing to make a slight compromise. However, the shutdown continues.
This is very relevant to APGOPO because it shows the intense rivalries that exist in the government between the two parties.While we have a Democratic president, we have a Republican congress and this is leading to some messy battles. I personally don't believe in Obama-care, but i'm not sure that the government shutdown is the best way to stop it.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Blog 3- Qatar World Cup

Blog 3- Qatar World Cup

This article is about the construction of the FIFA World Cup 2020 stadium in Qatar. It brings up the serious issue of on site deaths that are occurring during the construction. It averages around one worker death PER DAY, with an expected four thousand deaths by he stadiums completion. Most of the workers are foreign to Qatar and are from Nepal. The deaths are due to awful working and living conditions. Often it is eleven men to one small room. Heatstroke is common in the arid metropolis. Workers must deal with conditions because it is the only work they could find and their families back home need the money to survive. Managers are often abusive and some workers go months, yes months, without pay. Due to unfair laws many cannot even legally return home. This is a very sad situation indeed for all involved.

I cannot believe that things like this are allowed to go relatively unnoticed throughout the world. Workers rights should be respected and America has the latter half of the nineteenth century to prove this. I think that The United States should double its prevention efforts to help end the suffering that these workers are clearly feeling. Worker protections and rights under the law are a key to American labor and I think they should be important across the globe.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Blog 2- Putin's Opinion in NY Times

Blog Post 2
Link to Article

Yesterday, the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, posted him opinion on the "events surrounding Syria" in The New York Times. He began by talking about the United Nations saying that the reason that it doesn't fail like the League of Nations, is because it enforces its own laws. However he says that if it does not, it will lose its effectiveness. He also stated that Russia wants to prevent conflict in Syria. He acknowledges the fact that chemical weapons were used, however he says that a war would only further destabilize the middle east. He asks the United States to stay out of Syria's internal conflicts. He concludes it assuring the reader the Russia has a strong, good relationship with America. The final line references the equality and Christianity.
This article is extremely relevant because it is a constantly changing issue that is present in America right now. We are on the verge of war, and Russia is taking a firm stance on the issue. I am not sure how I feel on the issue, however I feel informed on it. It angers me how Putin wrote about Americas foreign policy. Sometimes I think the Russian President is stuck in the Cold War.

Blog 1- Verizon's Master Plan

Blog Post 1
Link to Article

Verizon Wireless company is trying to end the federal policy of Net Neutrality. This would allow them to basically turn the internet into cable TV. They want to move data for companies, at a cost. To become the "middleman". Larger companies such as Facebook and Google could afford this, however smaller, less popular websites would not be able to afford it. This would mean that they would have to charge you. Verizon is fighting the act in Federal Court and Congress and they are pushing hard. If Net Neutrality is repealed, big companies will get more profit while small companies and consumers will lose money. Lastly, Verizon claims that it has a right to free speech, therefore they can choose what data they will send. Limiting what consumers view.
This issue ties into the role of government and free speech. Should the government protect our right to the internet. if they didn't than Verizon will sweep in and control what Americans see and charge them while they are doing this. The internet is supposed to be a place of completely free speech, in my opinion. I think that Verizon should not be able to do this and the government should step in and stop it.